Selected resources for equity challenges
Why this resource? Working with educators from various contexts, including those awarded grants from the Wallace Foundation to engage in the Equity Centered Principal Pipeline Initiative and those who participated in the Standards for Professional Learning online course, revealed emerging themes in the questions and challenges systems are facing around equity. Having focused implicitly on equity for the past several decades and explicitly in the past several years, Learning Forward recognized an opportunity to align the rich resources developed and produced over time with the common challenges faced by systems and schools today. This resource presents that alignment.
How to use this resource:
- Scan the Equity Challenge column to locate your most pressing equity issue.
- Explore resources, in the adjacent column, that shed insight, ideas, and examples of how to address and how others have addressed that challenge.
- Identify the type of resource that may best serve the learning needs. Resources below are categorized as standard (S), tool (T), article (A), or webinar (W). Many resources are available to the public. The ones in italics are a benefit of Learning Forward membership.
- Share resources with your colleagues and decide on a method for diving more deeply into the content as an action step toward working to advance equity in your system.
- Request additional resources aligned to an equity challenge not presented here. To do so, click the “Submit here” link at the bottom.
*Note: Resources often address multiple equity challenges. The alignment presented here suggests the resource that harnesses the greatest potential to address each particular challenge.
Do you have equity challenges or questions that are not represented here? Let us know what other topics you would like to learn about. Submit here.
Also, explore these other equity-centred resources: